
25/03/05 all day @ riereta/r23.cc
c/ riereta 5, barcelona

ps plays
section maghreb de
FLISOL reception session



unique sound gems slowly fading away
abandoned, unshareable, on magnetic tape

i have dreamed for years of digitalising
my collection of magribi casetes
music, unfindable in europe,
that i want to listen to

& share

(and not have to carry all those casetees
every time i move)

and now the girls @ riereta / r23.cc
have given me the chance.

on the 25th of march 2006
magrib casete listening session in riereta
carrer riereta n° 5, barcelona

the session are streamed at the same time
as the casetes are digitalised in ogg format
using a PD patch made by tatiana de la o.

the resulting archives are freely available online
with track listing and scanned cover.


the session will run concurrently with the
72 hour flisol stream http://medellin.flisol.net

FLISOL es un Festival de Instalación de Software Libre
que se realizará este año por segunda vez en forma simultánea
en más de 100 ciudades de casi todos los Países Latinoamericanos,
y en al menos unas 5 ciudades en Colombia.

we will receive this stream @ riereta
